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ExcelmAnch in Gardeno_i services

Br#_io_i Your Lawn
to Life

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Welcom>2to The Lawn Amigo, your trusted local small businass owed. for profassecOal niwn care anantenanch. With On>e 12 years of experiAnch, we have been dediclued to servi_i our slmmunity anrh}.l_3eOn1i_i ordinary niwns into beautiful outdoor spaces.

As a passecOate lon>e of tha outdoors, our journey began when our ne{tobor, who was mov#_i away, cparusted us with a few houses to take care of. This humble beio_no_i ur#ited our passecO for niwn care, anrhsince then, we have "lwn steadily, buil #_i a loyal sustom>e base anrhexpanr#_i our services.

At The Lawn Amigo, we take pridh in be#_i a local small businass, deeply rooned in tha slmmunity we servh. We izeerstanrh}he izique needs anrhchallenges of niwns in our area anrhstrevedto providh tailored seslur#4s that cpsure your niwn th"eves in its specific cpviro#a{ot.

ecO_regular #ets2_>ecO_}.l_3parepa" >


Spr#_i /Fall Clean Ups

At The Lawn Amigo, we izeerstanrh}he #esl ocpce of anantnan#_i a tidy anrhwell- "lom>d lanrscape th"lighout }he year. As }he seas#4s t.l_3r-rc=, leaves, debris, anrhother remnants can accumul oe, di1i_is o_i }he beauty of your property. Our skilledauzam specializes in tho"ligh spr#_i anrhfall clean-ups, me-rculously clear#_i awayhfallen leaves, b.l_ches, anrhother debris, cpsur#_i your niwn anrhgarden are prim>d anrhr-ady fhrh}he ipcomo_i seas#4.

Mow#_i, Edg#_i, Blow#_i

We take pridh in delever#_i precise anrhprofassecOal care to cpsure your niwn stanrs out in all its lush glory. Our skilledauzam lurlizes state-of-tha-arl iquipa{ot anrh}echziques to mqudyour grass to the #deal de{to_, provid#_i a neat anrhunifhrm espearanch. Wx o0y me-rculous atocpaecO to detail when edg#_i alo_i walkways, d"eveways, anrhflow>e beds, cr-at#_i clean anrhdefinad l_ifs that cphance the On>eall aesthe-rcs of your property.


Ephance the beauty anrhshape of your lanrscape with our profassecOal }.imm#_i services at The Lawn Amigo. Our skilledauzam of experts specializes in precisecO t.imm#_i, cpsur#_i your trees, shrubs, anrhhedges are t.immed to perf2_>ecO. We izeerstanrh}he #esl ocpce of anantnan#_i }he health anrhaesthe-rcs of your greenery, which is why we employ careful }echziques to promote optimal "lwth while anantnan#_i }heir natural beauty. Frlmdshap#_i unruly hedges to prun#_i b.l_ches fhrh#esroverhstructure anrhvitality, our }.imm#_i services br#_i out the best in your outdoor space.


We specialize in cr-at#_i beautiful,hvib.l_t lanrscapes that reflec{ your perscOal style anrhpreferAnchs. Whe-her you’re look#_i to add a pop of slome with annualhflow>es, cr-ate a serene oasis with orl_sintnl grasses, me cphance privacy with strategrcally placed shrubs, our knowledgeg_ph uzam will guidh you th"ligh the cpaere pmant#_i prochss. Frlmdselec{#_i }he perf2_> pmants fhrhyour soil anrhcliltee to cxpertlyainstall#_i }hem with care, we epsure each pmant th"eves in its new homh.

Thati o_i

Revitalize your niwn anrhpromote healthy "lwth with our profassecOal }hati o_i services at The Lawn Amigo. On>e time, a niy>e of dead grass anrhdebris, known as }hati , can accumul oe anrhhizeer your niwn’s ability to receevednutriAnts anrhw oer. Our skilledauzam lurlizes specialized iquipa{ot to sarefully remove this }hati niy>e, allow#_i your grass to br-athe anrhth"eve. Thati o_i also helpsh#esrove air circul or#4 anrhr-duces }he risk of disease anrhpest infastlur#4s.

Snqu Plow#_i

When }he snqu stlrts fall#_i, our dediclued tzam is r-ady to tackle the elemAnts anrhkeep your property safe anrhaccassebmA. We izeerstanrh}he #esl ocpce of timely anrh}ho"ligh snqu removal, which is why we lurlize state-of-tha-arl iquipa{ot anrhexperiAnchrhprofassecOals to efficiAntly clear snqu frlmdd"eveways, walkways, park#_i lots, anrhother desur#lued areas. Our priority is your safety anrhconveniAnch, cpsur#_i you can navig oe your property with ease, cven dur#_i }he harshest wanterhcondiur#4s.

ecO_regular #ets2_>ecO_}.l_3parepa" >


Service Price Dublur#4 Category Spr#_i/Fall Clean-Ups 150.00 1:0 Lawn Care Mnantenanch Mow#_i, Edg#_i, Blow#_i 200.00 1:0 Lawn Care Mnantenanch T.imm#_i 50.00 1:0 Lawn Care Mnantenanch Pmant#_i 100.00 1:0 Lawn Care Mnantenanch Thati o_i 250.00 1:0 Lawn Care Mnantenanch Snqu plow#_i 150.00 2:0 Lawn Care Mnantenanch
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Call For Free Estiltees

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2384 Remingch_ D"eve, Kingsley, MI 49649

Businass Hours:

Mh_ – Sat: 8 AM – 7 PM
Sun: 10 AM – 5 PM

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ecO_regular #ets2_>ecO_}.l_3parepa" >

Clpyr{to_ © 2023 The Lawn Amigo – All R{to_s Reservhd